Conference Theme

Services play a vital role in society today. They touch everyone; individuals, rich, poor, businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, etc. Even for hard core manufacturing organizations, services have an increasing share in their product bundle. It is therefore imperative that services are managed efficiently and effectively to survive, sustain, and prosper in today's competitive environment. Therefore the theme of the tenth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS-10) is, "Managing Services in Competitive Environment."

   AIMS-10 will provide the opportunity to discuss how organizations create and manage services along with the current trends of making these services efficient and effective. The conference will examine traditional service sectors such as hospitality, healthcare, retailing, government, information technology, education, energy, public utilities, transportation, tourism, financial systems, infrastructure, etc. It will also address service related issues in the manufacturing sector. 

    The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum that stimulates discussion on the conference theme and on topics related to the theme. The conference will also provide opportunities for networking and collaboration amongst scholars from academia, industry and government. In addition to papers on the conference theme, scholars may submit papers on any aspect of the traditional disciplines of management such as accounting, marketing, economics, finance, OB, HRM, MIS, entrepreneurship, quantitative methods, operations, etc.

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